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What is Earthkeeper Healing?

Earthkeeper Healing is an offering of Reiki and Shamanic Energy Healing,  Spiritual Counseling, Sacred Cacao Circles and other powerful healing modalities that serve to connect you with your inner soul light and highest destiny, helping you to remember your whole and healed self.


The process is gentle, but the effect is profound. These healing modalities have the ability to heal past trauma, current blocks and ailments, and to influence your future by supporting you to envision a new reality. As you come alive to your inner soul light, the result is a more healed and awakened you, a more healed and awakened planet. 

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 Meet Emily Britton

B.A. Theology, Xavier University
Reiki Master Practitioner & Teacher 

Master Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner


Emily has been on the spiritual path since childhood with a deep heartfelt desire to make a positive difference in the world. Emily felt the call at a young age to bring more love and light into the world and she spent over twenty years discovering how to do just that through her studies of theology and energy medicine, explorations of world religions, volunteering and traveling abroad, and deep immersion with nature and shamanic practices.


From all of these experiences and lived wisdom, Earthkeeper Healing was born as an offering to connect everyone with their own inner soul light and remind them deeply of who they are, where they come from and why they are here. As more people awaken to their inner soul light, the result is a more healed, awakened, and illuminated planet. As we begin to heal ourselves, we begin to heal our Earth. 

Meet Emily

"Emily brings a beautiful and distinctive light to every healing encounter. I find her work to be sensitive, creative, inspired, and exceptionally thorough. She is patient and has the ability and willingness to work at very deep levels to bring comprehensive healing to her client. All with a lightness of touch, deep compassion and wisdom liberally laced with humility. I love to receive her healings and think she is an exceptional healer and shamanic practitioner with an unusual capacity to inspire and support others into their own greatness." 
-- Jasmine Sampson,

Afternoon Light


Misty Slopes

Personal & Collective Healing with Reiki and Shamanic Energy Medicine

Earthkeeper Healing Sessions serve to connect you with your inner soul light and highest destiny. Each and every session is infused with Master Level Reiki Energy while Emily utilizes ancient shamanic techniques passed down by the Master Healers of the High Andes of Peru to clear your energy field and remove any obstacles to your vital energy, joy, and fulfillment. A full healing session will include one or more of the below techniques among other modalities of healing



Spiritual Tracking

Receive Visions and messages from the spirit world to assist

and support your soul journey in this life.



Clear and revitalize your energy field, release old and negative energy,

balance your chakras, & Illuminate your energy body. 


Extractions & Cord Cutting 

Clear and Remove crystalized energies from your field that are blocking 

your energy flow and causing limitations of movement physically, 

emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. 


Soul Retrieval

Return to a sense of wholeness as you reunite with a part of your soul 

that was lost due to a traumatic event and/or the trials and tribulations of life.


Guided Journey Meditations and Ceremonies 

Communicate with the spirit world through alternative experiences of reality

in guided meditations as well as experience the benefits of healing ceremonies

carried out for your wellbeing and healing. 



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"Wow! I feel such gratitude for our work together including your generosity, your connection to spirit, and your caring diligence. Not only was our session incredibly powerful, but a delight to witness you in your element! Thank you so much! While I am fully aware that integration is a process and a journey, I am already noticing some shifts and inspiration happening around old habits."  --- Barbara B.


"Emily performed Energy Healing on me at a low spiritual and physical time in my life. I wasn't even sure I believed in this alternative medicine. During the session I actually fell asleep and awoke with a wonderful sense of peace and actually felt a sense of excitement about life." 

— Mary F.

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Do you think you might be an Earthkeeper? 


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Have Questions Or Want To Learn More?

I would love to hear from you and promise to promptly reply to all messages. 

Thanks for submitting!

Contact Info



Virginia Beach, Virginia


Why Naturopathy

Why Earthkeeper?

" I first learned about the Earthkeepers from the forest. It was a spring day and I was walking through the lush forest away from the urban sprawl from where I lived. The quiet immediately struck me with all its splendor, as though a spell cast upon me from the moment I passed through the threshold from car to tree. This enchantment of quiet was rich with the hum of insects and birdsong, the rustle of leaves and drips of water.  There was a presence of something more that weaved through and permeated the very essence of this forest. I could feel it deep in my soul.

I reached out and placed my hand on the trunk of a tree that was blanketed in a soft pad of green moss. I have always loved moss, its vibrant green and soft tender touch. It was in this precise moment that the forest spoke to me. It was brief, and it was subtle, but in that moment the forest spoke. It told me that there are reasons we are drawn to certain elements of nature and that these reasons stem back many lifetimes ago when we initiated our deep and profound reciprocal relationship together. The forest told me that there are many of us waking up at this time to these relationships with deep remembrance and an understanding of how we are called now at this time to bring those relationships and Earth medicine back into the collective consciousness as keepers of the earth. “Earthkeepers,” I whispered the word to myself. It resonated so deeply with my heart and soul, I knew that I was touching upon a profound truth that I was just beginning to understand.

It was only weeks and months later that I learned the profundity of that word, discovering that it is a term honored and held sacred by many indigenous tribes and traditions throughout the world. I was astounded when I discovered this. While I may just be waking up and remembering who I am as an Earthkeeper, the indigenous peoples have always remembered and kept their relationship alive with Mother Earth. They have kept alive the medicines of the Earth, the powerful practices and methods of healing that originate with this deep and sacred relationship. And it is from these practices and methods from which I have trained and bring as an offering to all of you.  

Earthkeeper Healing is an offering of spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical healing rooted in Reiki and Shamanic Energy practices and the teachings of the Laika Indigenous peoples of Peru. This specific lineage of teaching stems back to the very medicine men and women who fled the conquistadors centuries ago, seeking refuge in the mountains where they could keep the sacred secrets and medicine of the Earth protected until they could safely be shared again without persecution. I bring this to you in blend with other healing modalities of Eastern philosophies including but not excluded to Buddhism, Mindfulness, Reiki Energy Healing, and Forest Bathing or Shinrin-Yoku. This offering of healing is rooted in reciprocal relationship with Mother Earth, as we bring back more light into ourselves we also bring more light and healing back into the Earth. As we heal, so does Mother Earth. As our Mother Earth heals, so do we. " 

  -- Emily Britton   

As we begin to heal ourselves, we begin to heal our Earth

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